1.Dismount asm disk group which you want to rename
SQL> alter diskgroup ORACLE_DATA dismount;
Diskgroup altered.
2.Precheck using check=true
[grid]$ renamedg dgname=ORACLE_DATA newdgname=TSTDB_DATA verbose=true check=true asm_diskstring='/dev/*asm*'
Parameters in effect:
New DG name : TSTDB_DATA
Phases :
Phase 1
Phase 2
Discovery str : /dev/*asm*
Check : TRUE
Clean : TRUE
Raw only : TRUE
renamedg operation: dgname=ORACLE_DATA newdgname=TSTDB_DATAverbose=true check=true asm_diskstring=/dev/*asm*
Executing phase 1
Discovering the group
Performing discovery with string:/dev/*asm*
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data03 with disk number:2 and timestamp (34081321 -1577446144)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data05 with disk number:4 and timestamp (34081321 -1571147520)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data04 with disk number:3 and timestamp (34081321 -1574295296)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data02 with disk number:1 and timestamp (34081321 -1584635648)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data07 with disk number:5 and timestamp (34081321 -1567993600)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data08 with disk number:6 and timestamp (34081321 -1564857088)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data01 with disk number:7 and timestamp (34081321 -1527015192)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data06 with disk number:0 and timestamp (34081321 -1530154752)
Checking for hearbeat...
Re-discovering the group
Performing discovery with string:/dev/*asm*
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data03 with disk number:2 and timestamp (34081321 -1577446144)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data05 with disk number:4 and timestamp (34081321 -1571147520)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data04 with disk number:3 and timestamp (34081321 -1574295296)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data02 with disk number:1 and timestamp (34081321 -1584635648)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data07 with disk number:5 and timestamp (34081321 -1567993600)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data08 with disk number:6 and timestamp (34081321 -1564857088)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data01 with disk number:7 and timestamp (34081321 -1527015192)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data06 with disk number:0 and timestamp (34081321 -1530154752)
Checking if the diskgroup is mounted or used by CSS
Checking disk number:2
Checking disk number:4
Checking disk number:3
Checking disk number:1
Checking disk number:5
Checking disk number:6
Checking disk number:7
Checking disk number:0
Generating configuration file..
Completed phase 1
Executing phase 2
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data03
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data05
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data04
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data02
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data07
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data08
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data01
Leaving the header unchanged
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data06
Leaving the header unchanged
Completed phase 2
3.Rename diskgroup
[grid]$ renamedg dgname=ORACLE_DATA newdgname=TSTDB_DATA verbose=true asm_diskstring='/dev/*asm*'
Parameters in effect:
New DG name : TSTDB_DATA
Phases :
Phase 1
Phase 2
Discovery str : /dev/*asm*
Clean : TRUE
Raw only : TRUE
renamedg operation: dgname=ORACLE_DATA newdgname=TSTDB_DATAverbose=true asm_diskstring=/dev/*asm*
Executing phase 1
Discovering the group
Performing discovery with string:/dev/*asm*
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data03 with disk number:2 and timestamp (34081321 -1577446144)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data05 with disk number:4 and timestamp (34081321 -1571147520)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data04 with disk number:3 and timestamp (34081321 -1574295296)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data02 with disk number:1 and timestamp (34081321 -1584635648)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data07 with disk number:5 and timestamp (34081321 -1567993600)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data08 with disk number:6 and timestamp (34081321 -1564857088)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data01 with disk number:7 and timestamp (34081321 -1527015192)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data06 with disk number:0 and timestamp (34081321 -1530154752)
Checking for hearbeat...
Re-discovering the group
Performing discovery with string:/dev/*asm*
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data03 with disk number:2 and timestamp (34081321 -1577446144)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data05 with disk number:4 and timestamp (34081321 -1571147520)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data04 with disk number:3 and timestamp (34081321 -1574295296)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data02 with disk number:1 and timestamp (34081321 -1584635648)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data07 with disk number:5 and timestamp (34081321 -1567993600)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data08 with disk number:6 and timestamp (34081321 -1564857088)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data01 with disk number:7 and timestamp (34081321 -1527015192)
Identified disk UFS:/dev/oracleasm_data06 with disk number:0 and timestamp (34081321 -1530154752)
Checking if the diskgroup is mounted or used by CSS
Checking disk number:2
Checking disk number:4
Checking disk number:3
Checking disk number:1
Checking disk number:5
Checking disk number:6
Checking disk number:7
Checking disk number:0
Generating configuration file..
Completed phase 1
Executing phase 2
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data03
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data05
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data04
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data02
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data07
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data08
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data01
Modifying the header
Looking for /dev/oracleasm_data06
Modifying the header
Completed phase 2
4.Mount new diskgroup
SQL> alter diskgroup TSTDB_DATA mount;
Diskgroup altered.