Saturday 27 August 2022

How to Increase the max_map_count Kernel Parameter in Linux to Optimize Vector Server Performance

If you're running a Vector Server or any application that relies heavily on memory-mapped areas, you might encounter issues related to running out of map areas. This problem often stems from a default kernel parameter setting that limits the number of map areas available. Fortunately, you can address this issue by increasing the max_map_count kernel parameter. 

How to Increase max_map_count:
1. Edit the sysctl.conf File

vi /etc/sysctl.conf
Add the following line to the file:

Replace map_count with an appropriate value based on your system’s memory. As a general guideline, set map_count to approximately 1 per 128 KB of system memory. For instance, on a system with 256 GB of RAM, you might set:


2. Reload the Configuration

After updating the sysctl.conf file, apply the new settings by reloading the configuration:
sudo sysctl -p

3. Verify the New Setting
cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count

This command should display the updated value you set in the sysctl.conf file.
4. Restart Vector

sudo systemctl restart vector

or whatever service management command is appropriate for your setup.

Wednesday 17 August 2022